3 min readJan 23, 2021


Chocolate Factory walk-through — TryHackMe

In this article I help you own the chocolate factory! chocolate factory room is a new released room on THM(TryHackMe) and it’s free! In this room we will do some steganography, enumeration and privilege escalation! It’s an easy rated room. Let’s jump in !


First deploy the machine and get the IP address.

Because we need that IP address a lot, so let’s make a variable to make it easy to use.

export ip=[machine-IP]

Test it with:

echo $ip

Then start nmap to scan the network side of the machine.

nmap -sV <ip-address> -oN nmap_scan

  • -sV : Gives the services/versions.
  • -oN : Saved the output into nmap_scan file in current directory(Normal format).

The output of scan:

As you see we have lots of open ports but most of them aren’t useful, let’s check ftp port for anonymous login.

and … yes we can login(username , password = anonymous)

run ls or dir, there is a file, get it with:

get <file-name>

I use steghide to extract the hidden file.

After some decryption, you see passwd file of machine!

Hopefully there is user credentials but the password is let’s bring john in.(not Hammond :))

john — format=sha512crypt file.hash — wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt

Then after one or two minutes john gives you the pass.

Let’s use creds to login ssh.

but it says the password is incorrect :/

Let’s move on…

Check the website of machine.Then we see that beautiful login page, put username and password inside it and boom! we are LOGGED IN.

There is a small input box there and an Execution button so let’s put a reverse shell.


If you run strings command against all the files in /var/www/html you can find the key!

USER Flag:

After some searching you will find out that permissions of the user folder inside /home directory is not limited and you can go inside.

There is a teleport file(id_rsa). So login with that.

chmod 600 teleport; ssh -i teleport charlie@$ip

Now we are charlie. So without wasting time let’s submit user flag.

ROOT Flag:

As a hint, any time you login as a user run sudo -l ,If there is any allowed command that you can use it.

Charlie can run /usr/bin/vi command without any password.

Let’s check gtfobins for some magic!(shell section )

After migrating to /root directory you can’t find root.txt but you find

If you read that file ,you may understand the encryption type.(Fernet)

I use to decode it. just put the key and decoded string and submit root flag.

Thank YOU!

Believe it or not it was my first published walk-through and ofcourse it’s not the last. I hope you found it useful.

Keep hacking!





Just a normal person who loves Python and hacking.